For the dish
Heat a frying pan over high heat, add olive oil and sauté the octopus and syglino until they turn an intense golden brown. Add caramelized onion, tomato and rosemary. Add the vinegar and continue to cook until it has evaporated. Serve with the fava, crispy garlic and parsley leaves.
For the braised octopus
Heat a pot over medium to high heat, add the olive oil and sauté the onion. Add the garlic and, as soon as it has released its aroma, add vinegar and simmer until it has evaporated. Add the tomatoes, rosemary and pepper corns. Add the octopus, bring to the boil and then reduce heat, cover and cook over a very low heat until the octopus has softened. Alternately, cook in the over at 80°C. Remove octopus from the pot, allow to cool and cut into thick pieces.
For the fava puree
Place a pot over medium heat, add 25 gr. olive oil and the onion. Season with salt and sweat until soft. Add the fava, stock and water, reduce to a very low heat and cook stirring frequently. If the fava dries out and begins to thicken too much before properly cooked, add stock or water. When the fava is soft (approx. 1 ½ - 2 hours – it is ready when it turns the consistency of a thick batter), remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly. Place in a blender (do not exceed the middle of the jug), and mix. Add remaining olive oil while mixing (if making two batches, divide olive oil similarly), and, finally, season with salt if necessary. Pass fava through a fine sieve (chinois) and, if not planning to use immediately, cool rapidly and store in the fridge.