For frying the bream
Place a pot over high heat and add enough sunflower oil so that the fillets can “float” comfortably during frying. Bring to 180°C. Meanwhile, dry fillets well and season with salt on both sides. Dip fillets in the batter and allow excess batter to drip off. Fry until they turn an intense golden brown. Remove carefully from the oil using a spider and hold over the pot to drip. Place on adsorbent paper. Season with salt.
For the beer batter
Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix until combined well. Strain through a sieve and store in the fridge until ready to use (no longer than 30 minutes).
For the citrus mayonnaise
Simmer orange juice until reduced to approx. 80 gr. Strain and allow to cool. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.