Barbequing as a dry cooking method has only 2 basic restrictions:
The first is that the food (mainly true of meat) must be tender by nature.
The second concerns size; it must be relatively small so as to cook in a reasonable length of time.
Foods suitable for barbequing:
• Small and tender cuts of meat, such as stakes, kebabs, fillets, burgers, etc.
• Fish fillets or whole
• Seafood
• Vegetables and fruit
You can see the grilling technique step by step, by clicking on the photos.
Clean the barbeque grill using a wire brush and oiled cloth
Season the food with salt.
Oil the outer surface of the food lightly.
Place on the rack until it forms the characteristic markings.
If desired, carefully rotate it 45 degrees to create the characteristic checkered effect.
Turn over and cook for the necessary time.